Yes, we have a video! I wasn't intending to work on any code this weekend but I felt compelled to try out the recognition server and run another set of tests but with the Logitech C900 in place. Results were an improvement on the PS3 eye, in part due to the better low light capabilities, in part due to the camera placement, and in part due to the wider angle. Some anecdotal notes : The recognition server provided seems to perform better that the unistroke implementation - I still need to sit down and do the numbers but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't significantly better. I suspect recall for all but the most basic figures/shapes provided via the default unistroke implementation will be poor amongst users. On the flip side, most of us know the alphabet! Big problem with the use of fiducials on the end of the fingers - they become obscured during natural hand movements! I ended up cupping the marker in my hand and s
Documenting the development of a "Sixth Sense" type WGI for HCI research.